Tag Archive | #google

AngularJS – The Fundamentals

Continuing my series on AngularJS, truth or the “halo effect”…..

I have begun posting a series of quick and easy tutorials that will walk through the fundamentals of AngularJS on my github.  I have prepared content for Steps 2 and 3 over the weekend and will get them on the repo today.

This is going to have the following segments when it is completed by this week.  ( I am using it as a primer for my development team so the guys get solid AngularJS footing without spending weeks in books and outdated examples online.)

Current Section / Branches

  1. Angular Introduction >The Hello World demo with overview of Angular Architecture
  2. Controllers >Discover controllers, scope, list, events and directives with recipes. Explore built in directives, event directives, filtering and see two way binding in action with validation.
  3. Services >An introduction to services in Angular with recipes and demos spanning the built-in services such as $http, $q, $parse, and $filter (many others) as well as custom services.
  4. Routing >Routing introduction for single page applications (SPA) with recipes for handling browser history, using the $route Service, HTML5 routing and accessing parameters.
  5. Custom Directives >Custom Directive recipes for many objectives and common challenges such as isolating directive scope, handling events, responding to changes. Advanced recipes introduce Transclusion and how to use Require with Nested Directives as well as other advanced topics.
  6. Testing >Karma introduction/installation and use with Webstorm (IDE). Recipes for testing controllers, services, directives, and end to end testing as well.


There will be an application that is completed by the end of the repo.  You might recall that I have been wanting to provide an AngularJS app to compare to the same app written in EmberJS and other popular MC* frameworks to determine code complexity, code reuse, performance, documentation, support, etc.  If you would like to suggest an outlying framwework to contribute then please let me know.

The AngularJS repo can be located here on Github:  AngularJS Fundamentals

Another Google Js Framework?

Oh well, at least Angular Developers have to deal with multiple frameworks now, Polymer?!  

EmberJs will still just be EmberJs but with support for web.  Yehuda breaks it down in a GIST. controls (https://gist.github.com/wycats/9144666b0c606d1838be)

But Google developers who tout Angular is superb might start to see what they are really competing against (or getting in bed with the new Microsoft of JavaScript aka la googla) will undoubtedly take an exponential amount of satellite frameworks to compile a solution that Ember and Ember Data already figured out.  

Co Angular Creator talks about how Angular 2.0 will be a evolving constantly and my question is why?  Don’t they have a road map that already showed the gaps they left or they still just trying to appease masses of developers with linear solutions to rely on more and more Google API’s. (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/polymer-dev/4RSYaKmbtEk/uYnY3900wpIJ)

Sheeple … Posers … arghh, its Monday.